yesterdecade’s liberationist
time travel tutor
Eros, Logos, and Depth of Transcendence for Emergent-Age Endurance

What do you see out there?
What has been?
What could be?
(All you've seen, you have been.)

We can't afford your holding back anymore.
What clouds your capacity to envision and express your most obvious and sensuous calling?
How do you go about owning all that you see and feel as legitimate parts of your fuller self?
Have you been resisting change for the sake of maintaining a time-expired paradigm - refusing medicine by delaying a dream you didn't even know you had... coming... true…?
(Now... you know: The act of remembering can also be the casting of an evolutive vision.)

I am a gay cis man and a luminous embodiment of goodness…
...A retired sex worker who guides, mentors, teaches, and writes...
...Gullible yet intelligent, provocative while reliable, and jealously kind...
...Lovable. Damnable. And all that's in between...
(...I'm also a European-descended Midwesterner reared on land stolen from the Odawa and Potawatomi nations -
A long-time New Yorker the Big Apple happens to love in return but who, I’ve come to find, belongs more to the world at large -
And I know that just as radical, permanent changes are being made to the world around us, we must get to creating equally significant change within ourselves by engaging in the process of truly being where and when we actually are.)

In these especially liminal and prescient times, I choose to center my ability to serve, foremost, as your Time Travel Tutor. We will sojourn together to reclaim all that is "out there" in order to bring you into fully integrated wholeness. Moving nimbly, we'll fortify and embolden the experience you have of your pasts, presents, and yet-to-be-discovered futures.
I design and activate upleveled lifestyles of equal-parts comely grace, radical healing, and subversive service - leveraging the best of your various timelines. Consider me to be the safe and steadily adept Persephone during your unleveling -
Because I was raised somewhat anesthetized by evangelical fervor, saved instead with forest-reverence and by singing along to synthesized song, and now am a passionate anti-anything-supremacist -
And I’m the son of some patriarchal delusion (and disassociation!) who, tonight, rebirths themself as an eyes-opened, gut-felt, heart-working nurturer of personal cocoon curation.
(Yes - I, too, am the little boy waiting for more love and acceptance, so I know how to assist you in accessing the love and acceptance that is truly there.)
You can learn transformation and mutation just like you learned order, chaos, detention, obsession, and compulsion. Inside of you is gaiety and control and (dis)order. Let's find your effusiveness! I love to sit with all of your experience: Your fear, shame, agony, longing, and ecstasy! Let's unleash your unique sensibility!
(We don't have to know the exacts of what the future holds to allow the good, the bad, and the seemingly unbecoming to knowingly pass through us.)
We can’t afford you timorously holding back.
We can’t afford any more years of you biting your tongue and doubting your contribution while fumbling your way towards feeling your potential as being outside of yourself.
Most people think that to make transmutational changes you have to take massive actions. But the truth is, all it takes is a few... deeply... intentional... shifts! And your very own one-man harbinger who believes unequivocally in the becomingness of your nuanced nature.
I’m inviting you to instigate a shift now, as though your life depends on it. Because it does.
We’ll revivify nostalgia
to remember differently through...
teaching, mentoring, guiding, writing
philosophy, psychology, sexuality, spirituality
lifestyle design & application
somatic soothsaying & release
Being that it's all already here,
we must get to the work of letting memory carry us forward.
Consultation: $90/30 mins
Life Coaching w/ modality interplay: $180/hour (ask about sliding fee)
per customized month
(for scholarships, inquire)
live sessions
emailed homework & feedback (3-12/m)
playlists & a plethora of multimedia resources
immersive reclamation tours
…There were the social service, teaching, and sensual masseur years too but, ultimately,
I’ve been transmuting personal, cultural, and ancestral trauma into an empathic service from the beginning.
(One way to get to know me better is to follow what I offer on Facebook and Instagram - feeling into whether we jive on your timeline.)
Back me in supporting men and masculine-essenced folx less privileged than you in bringing forth messages from the future…
…Re-remembering that today’s reality was but an idea not long ago - we know it’s safe to give to tomorrow…
…Feeling the fullness of ourselves by finding fulfillment in giving back.
(If you have ample means and we do liberatory work together, I'll expect that you not only sponsor someone else - but that it'll naturally translate as you being more generous going forward.)
"As a soul-centric teacher, healer and guide, I have engaged with hundreds of mentors regarding emotions. I don't know anyone better at helping others locate, label, describe, invite and allow raw feelings around their experiences and stories. There are vast degrees and nuances of feeling that most people are not aware of and don't make time to explore. Adam knows them. His ability to help me access them has been instrumental in deepening my personal and professional life. He's shown me sideways elevators to liberation by disrupting abundance-limiting beliefs that I was clinging to."
Mattie Clark, MattieClark.com
"I reached out to Adam four years ago when, although successful professionally, I felt adrift, as though I was living an incomplete life. Because of his gentle and intentional approach and his intuitive ability to ‘get to the source,’ I realized I had abandoned my creative, psychic, and spiritual well-being and growth. Adam’s clear directive, motivational – and, when needed, firm! – counsel and guidance provided me with the tools I needed to reclaim my holistic self. We have regular check-ins to this day, and throughout this transformational journey, he has been my counselor, coach, shaman and friend. I am a better business leader, friend, spouse, sibling and son because of his guidance."
-Steve Farrar
“Being a man with a wife and family who had experienced years of deep depression, I connected with Adam over seven years ago and have expanded profoundly thanks to his wisdom, insights, and intuitive abilities to 'see within' and prompt healing in places I didn’t even realize were abused, injured, and hurting or requiring exploration, growth and healing. His expert guidance and encouragement has enabled my life to be re-balanced and fulfilled beyond anything I ever imagined possible."
"Adam has spent a lifetime on the journey toward self-knowledge, erotic embodiment, and living in the world with eyes and heart wide open. Over the years I've referred a number of clients to him who have greatly benefited from his exquisite attention and the extraordinary generosity with which he shares the treasures in his toolkit."
-NP, Psychologist
"A closeted bisexual married man, I was afraid to seek counseling in the small community where I lived. From my first contact with Adam he helped me peel away the layers and years of guilt and confusion and replace them with an understanding of who I am and need to be as a whole person. Adam has a wealth of techniques, teachings, is grounded in multiple spiritual, psychological and philosophical modalities, and blended them with massage, physical and sexual healing and follow-up from a virtual distance. I’m a stronger and better balanced person in my life because of Adam. I just wish I had met him earlier. He is a contemporary healer for a new age."
-Scott Kim

Men Alive!
Men and Masculine-Essenced Folx' Group
Coming the Summer of ‘25.
(+1) 646.629.7340